英勇 Yīngyǒng Eroica: Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms Fanfiction Ch 3


Ye Hua

Ye Hua’s mystery was solved and all his questions were answered. The nameless, bewitching, stunning, goddess was his future wife and fiancée. He couldn’t control himself from chuckling as he watched Heavenly Grandfather escort everyone to the entrance personally. Ye Hua watched his Heavenly Grandfather’s posture and noticed, that he was humbling himself to High God Bai Zhi, the Fox King. His bow was considerably lower than the Fox King’s.

The Fox Clan did command respect everywhere they went, yet Ye Hua recognized the understated, humble, and unpretentious character of the Fox King, the other High Gods, and even Bai Qian.

In consideration of their limitless power and wealth, there was a realness that was undeniable. Even Bai Qian’s attitude was different. Most women if they had been the focal point of a large group of men admiring their beauty openly, would have reacted differently with flirtatious mannerisms knowing they were the center of attention. However, Bai Qian showed indifference and lack of interest in the now growing crowd of men who were openly displaying their admiration and desires.

Bai Qian never again looked back even once. She didn’t seem to care. Bai Qian was one of the most famous beauties in the immortal world but didn’t act as if she was. Bai Qian was disinterested, not in an arrogant way, but simply didn’t care. Ye Hua found this trait in her extremely appealing. She didn’t need the validation of others to define who she was; Bai Qian was just herself.

His third uncle heard Ye Hua chuckle and glared at him, side-eyed as he hit Ye Hua’s arm with his fan, “You rotten brat! You don’t deserve such a treasure. Ye Hua, you haven’t lived long enough to realize a beauty like Bai Qian is rare and uncommon. She’s rich, powerful, intelligent, exquisitely stunning, and you have the pleasure, and honor of impregnating her. You’ll get to see her without any clothing.”

Ye Hua was still smiling when he mumbled under his breath, “I guess an aphrodisiac won’t be needed and I’ll be keeping my eyes wide open.”

“What? What did you say, Ye Hua?” Third uncle asked, but Ye Hua just continued to smile.

The amazing and mind-boggling coincidence of his engagement to Bai Qian didn’t go unrecognized by Ye Hua. Ye Hua marveled at fate’s unpredictable turns that led him to meet his future wife. The day he first went to Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms, he’d gone there to acquire wine for Bai Qian as a greeting gift. He was originally on his way to Qing Qiu to meet Bai Qian officially for the first time and introduce himself, but he never made it to Qing Qiu due to their intimate encounter.

Ye Hua had undeniably fallen in love with his future wife, Bai Qian without even knowing who she was. Ye Hua needed to see Bai Qian again. Ye Hua wondered if he should reveal his identity, but wasn’t sure what her reaction would be. He would go to Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms again and seek Bai Qian out.

This time Ye Hua found Bai Qian easily. She was sitting on the edge of the Jade Pool with her feet dangling in the cool water. Bai Qian had a bottle of wine in her hand, and Bai Qian was drinking wine straight from the bottle. Ye Hua heard her sigh deeply a few times, looking lost in thought while she stared at the ripples made by the gentle splashing movement of her feet. Bai Qian’s pale green gown bunched and lifted up to her upper thighs.

Ye Hua silently sat, took off his boots, and placed his feet in the refreshing dark liquid beside her. The warm night air blew gently, and peach blossoms fell from their trees like big silent raindrops around them. She looked at him unsurprised and asked, “Are you stalking me?”

Ye Hua gave her a little smile and replied, “I told you. I’ve fallen in love with you.”

Bai Qian studied his face intently and began to ask, “Are you related to High God Mo….nevermind.”

Bai Qian laughed lightly and shook her head as if she was laughing at herself. Bai Qian took another sip of her wine and then asked, “You still haven’t come to your senses? Go find another toy, another woman to play with… I’m not available.”

Ye Hua struggled to stay nonchalant, but couldn’t hide his smile. She was stunning. Her dark, captivating eyes moved back towards the water’s surface. Bai Qian sighed again, took a big sip of her wine, and handed the bottle to Ye Hua. He politely took a tiny sip, and went to hand the bottle back to Bai Qian but placed it down between them instead. She was holding on to the edge of the Jade Pool with both hands beside her as she leisurely kicked her feet.

Ye Hua asked, “Are you promised to someone else?”

Bai Qian answered without lifting her gaze, “Yes, I’m engaged to marry someone I’ve never met.”

Ye Hua nodded his head that he understood and asked, “You don’t want to get married? I thought all women wanted marriage at some point in their lives?”

Bai Qian’s voice sounded distant as she answered, “Marriage, I’m not opposed to, but this isn’t a marriage of love, but politics. A business merger of two clans.”

She sighed again and added, “Times like this, I wish I wasn’t an immortal. A mortal marriage would come to an end after, sixty years or so, but it wouldn’t last for eternity.”

Ye Hua teased and asked, “Is your fiancé an old immortal? Is he hideously ugly or does he hold a position that doesn’t please you?”

Ye Hua heard Bai Qian inhale deeply through her nose and exhale through her mouth. Bai Qian replied, “I wish that were the case. There is a huge, no, giant age gap between us. I don’t know if I’m going to be nursing him or making love to him on my wedding night. I don’t even know if he’s capable of bodily pleasure yet, he might be shorter than me…he’s a child.”

Ye Hua held back his laugh and replied softly, “He might like both. You may be pleasantly surprised.”

Ye Hua suddenly took one of Bai Qian’s hands and flipped it, so her open palm was face up. He studied her palm intently and slowly with his fingertip traced one of the vertical lines and said, “This is your love line. It shows you will have a great long love in your life.”

Ye Hua paused and formed her hand into a fist and looked at the back of her hand by her pinky finger. He counted the line while touching them lightly with his fingertip and declared, “It shows you will have three, no four children.”

Bai Qian chuckled amused and asked, “Why do you keep coming back here?”

Ye Hua looked her in the eyes and said with a little smile, “I told you. I’m in love with you.” He was still holding her fisted hand in his.

Bai Qian looked at him doubtingly and asked, “What is it about me that’s made you suddenly fall in love with me? Was it because we shared bodily pleasure?”

Ye Hua’s expression softened, and he answered, “It’s the sincerity in your eyes. The kindness in your smile.” Ye Hua opened her hand flat and placed his palm against hers and added, “The warmth of your gentle touch.”

Ye Hua watched Bai Qian’s expression change. She looked apprehensive. Suddenly she pulled her hand away and jumped up to her feet. Bai Qian rubbed her palms against each other rapidly, smirked at Ye Hua, and said, “Those are some great lines. Is that what you say to all the women you meet?”

Ye Hua looked up at her met her gaze and replied, “I’ve never said those things to anyone else before…ever.” He watched her eyes darken nervously. He asked, “Did I scare you? Are you afraid?”

Bai Qian looked down at Ye Hua and replied haughtily, “Afraid of what?”

Ye Hua stood up and faced her. He reached out and lightly lifted Bai Qian’s chin, so their eyes met and asked in a whispered voice, “Are you afraid you are falling in love… with me?”

Bai Qian

Bai Qian nervously felt light perspiration on her back. Bai Qian wondered if she’d suddenly become transparent and see-through like a crystal glass being. Had this nameless man been able to see when her heart stop beating? Could he have heard when her heart dropped into her stomach?

Not only had this anonymous immortal held the key, but he’d also unlocked and opened Bai Qian’s Pandora’s Box of emotions with his words.

Instantly, Bai Qian was terrified of this new emotion that flooded her senses. Bai Qian wasn’t sure but it felt as if she was falling in love.

To Be Continued…

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