緣分 Yuanfen: Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms Fanfiction Ch 9 NSFW

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“Qian Qian, I never told you that. Do you remember something? Anything?” Ye Hua’s first expression of excitement turned into one of anticipation. Hope.

Sheer panic and confusion. That’s what Bai Qian felt. Her racing heart abruptly plummeted down deep into the pit of her stomach.

Bai Qian didn’t know why she saw this image, and didn’t particularly want to think about it either. Because it would only cause an avalanche of uncertain questions, that would multiply and add to her current internal disorder. But the disturbing picture replayed on a continuous loop in her brain. The haunting image of Ye Hua’s outstretched hand coming towards her, and his words ‘I’ll marry you and I’ll become your eyes‘ reverberated in her ears.

Ye Hua’s dark searching gaze keenly studied her expression. Hidden behind her gold-lensed reflective sunglasses, Bai Qian was relieved he couldn’t see her eyes because her pupils shook with fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of ambiguity.

Excitement, joy, despair, sadness, regret and the strongest of all the emotions was the disappointment. Hidden and buried deep in the darkest recesses of Bai Qian’s heart, these unexplained sensations kindled, when she was with Ye Hua. She didn’t want to acknowledge it. Denial was much easier, but she couldn’t dismiss the emotions looming underneath the surface, all chaotically spinning together. Like a whirlwind.

Instead of admitting to her doubts and trying to come up with a plausible answer, Bai Qian raised a mask to conceal her anxiety. A false dazzling smile spread across her face as her lips quivered slightly, just enough to expose her ruse.

Casually to deflect Ye Hua’s suspicions, Bai Qian responded, “You spoke in your sleep.”

If anyone knew her, they’d know Bai Qian was lying. It was written all over her face. Fabricating wasn’t one of her fortes and she had the worst poker face, ever. She was struggling and attempting to suppress her newly discovered self-doubts.

For her, it was from the very start. That strange alarming unexplained feeling of recognition. The familiarity of Ye Hua’s kiss and sleeping in his embrace felt like a well-practiced routine. Bai Qian always seemed to be one step ahead of him. She was able to anticipate his reactions, moods, responses correctly and often, quite often, she’d silently finish his sentences in her head.

Likely behavior of couples who’d been together for many years, but impossible between two strangers who’d just met.

Even before Ye Hua uttered a single word of his story, Bai Qian already knew it. But it felt more like a fable she’d heard in childhood, and forgotten until that moment of retelling. That moment of realization ‘Aha, this story. Yes, I know it well.’ Followed by the question, ‘Why do I know this tale?’

In retrospect, Bai Qian saw SuSu’s little thatched home in her mind’s eye before her actual arrival. Her brain already created an exact picture and the image was accurate. The reason she’d inspected the kitchen upon coming was that, she somehow already knew the contents of the drawers, pantry and storage bins. Her assumptions were correct every single time.

Ye Hua was suggesting something that was difficult to believe. He was questioning her identity and claiming to be her husband. There was now a new sense of uncertainty and Bai Qian wondered if he could be right? If so what about her mortal memories? What about her Shifu who could very well be her husband? If Ye Hua’s theory were correct it would turn her world upside down.

Bai Qian hoped a visit to her past would clarify her presently growing inner doubts and fears. Because in all honesty, she didn’t want to be SuSu. She didn’t have any desire to be the weak mortal, who suffered unjustly at the hands of the Celestials. Because as the powerful immortal Bai Qian, she would need repayment and vengeance.

Quid Pro Quo, an eye for an eye, was Bai Qian’s core philosophy and fundamental law in life. One gets what they give. Balance.

She decided the start of her mortal tale would take place in Henan at Baima Si (White Horse Temple) once positioned in the center of the Great Qing Dynasty. The place she first awoke as a mortal after her encounter with Qing Cang.

After the introduction then to the Palace Museum and Yonghe Temple in Beijing. Those places held what she considered to be substantial evidence, of her human identity during her heavenly trial.

Bai Qian’s story ending would be Chŏngjin. The place was once a winter retreat for members of Emperor Qianlong’s royal harem. The site where she, the human woman Chen, took her final mortal breath and Bai Qian, the immortal resurrected.

Reverted to her original self but ascended to High Goddess. Before finally returning home to Qingqiu, after spending over thirty years in the mortal realm.

While Bai Qian waited, Ye Hua used a spell and changed into contemporary clothing for their destination. He wore black…of course.

A modern black, single button suit. Only the narrow lapels had a slight sheenlike finish as did his skinny black tie. Crisp white dress shirt. The hem of his tailored trousers narrowed and hit at his ankles. Perfect fit for his body as if it were custom made for him. Traditional black lace-up leather shoes.

He looked incredibly dapper and stylish. He would fit right in the mortal realm except he was astonishingly overly attractive.

Maybe it was the drastic change of his long hair, now worn in a short modern spiky men’s style that made him seem so different. The sides close cut to his scalp, and Bai Qian noted a previously unexposed mole on the right side of his head. Ye Hua’s silky jet black hair appeared almost wet, slick and glossy in the sunlight. He looked like an entirely different person, and it was borderline disturbing, and unnerving how handsome he appeared.

He complained at the lack of his long hair. “I don’t know how the humans wear their hair in such short cuts. My neck is freezing and my head feels weightless.”

He left himself wide open. Bai Qian wanted to crack wise and joke about why his head felt weightless (no brain) but held her tongue because he was much more intelligent than she.

“Ye Hua, the contemporary style certainly suits you. You look quite different. Not as uptight as usual.” How strangely Bai Qian’s compliment sounded like an indirect insult.

Ye Hua in return requested her consideration of his ‘special situation’ and suggested softly, “Please, don’t take off your jacket. I’m not used to such tailored fitted pants. The inseam is very close to my crotch. Tight. Since you’re bra-less, if I happen to see your breasts or nipples, it won’t be good for me.”

With that silly repertoire, Bai Qian and Ye Hua cloud jumped from the isolated summit of Mount Junji, and landed in an incredibly hectic and bustling place. Smack dab in the middle of a tumultuous sea of human bodies.

Abracadabra! Tada! It was just like a scene out of a high budget, Asian, fantasy drama; the fictional way in which Bai Qian and Ye Hua abruptly appeared in the mortal realm.

Out from a mysterious puff of magical white cloud-like vapors, emerged a black Dragon Crown Prince, and a white Nine-Tailed Fox Queen in modern day China. Completely unnoticed by those around how they’d just suddenly appeared. Magically.

It wasn’t because they used a spell or an invisibility shield. Nobody saw them because they were too busy taking selfies, tweeting or playing Candy Crush on their cellular phones. All were waiting to enter the grand historical palace complex, which was once home to China’s Emperors.

The entrance of the Forbidden City in Beijing, China.

Their divine godly appearances concealed under the guise of modern clothing. Little did the mortals know, two Immortal Deities now wandered beside them. Putting a whole new spin on the term ‘The Gods Who Walk Among Us’.

While Ye Hua glanced around disinterested, Bai Qian gawked in absolute astonishment and exclaimed loudly. “They need to change the name of this place to All Access City! There’s nothing forbidden about it anymore!”

She was speechless. Stunned at the exorbitant crowd of people, milling about the palace built during the Ming Dynasty. Bai Qian was utterly amazed by the abundance of bodies surrounding her. Especially after spending a quiet week on the high point of Mount Junji, in SuSu’s little thatched hut. Ultimate culture shock.

Bai Qian was thrilled and overjoyed to see the new world. Ye Hua however, calmly stated that he didn’t particularly enjoy the modern human realm. He disliked the sheer excess of people, artificial brightness, lights and the general chaotic clutter. He perceived to be disorderly and unruly.

If anything Ye Hua stated, he found the new world aesthetically displeasing. Just plain dirty, ugly and noisy. He said he preferred the days of horse and carriages much more. Simpler times.

Bai Qian privately thought Ye Hua was a party pooper. For such a young immortal he was a real bummer.

Bai Qian scanned her strange surroundings, when something else most interesting caught her attention. Ye Hua. It was him. Amazingly, even in the vast ocean of people; he still managed to stick out like a sore thumb. The reason was that he was simply just too damn attractive.

All the women and even some men passerby openly stared at him, because Ye Hua looked like a celebrity. Some took pictures of him, because they mistook him for a famous Taiwanese-Canadian actor.

Recognizing a remarkably handsome young man, they brazenly ogled and giggled when they passed. Many rubbernecked and turned back to admire him a bit longer. Bai Qian secretly didn’t think he was that fetching, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Deceits! Lies! Who was Bai Qian trying to kid? She thought he was as fine AF!

As usual, Ye Hua was oblivious to all the female attention, and asked while struggling to find his bearings in an unknown place. “Should we call an Earth Deity to help us find somewhere to stay during our time here? Qian Qian, it’s getting late.”

Bai Qian took charge since she was older. 90,000 years older. She assuredly declared, “I’ll do it.” and then hailed a taxi.

Bai Qian taught her worldly wisdom to Ye Hua. She’d determined taxis were Modern Earth Deities. Mortal magic. They knew the direction to all the places she wanted to go. You just sat in the carriage and they’d take you anywhere.

After directing the driver to take them to a hotel, Bai Qian explained the last time she visited the mortal realm was in the year of 2000. She was curious about Y2K and the internet but only stayed for a couple of days. She was thoroughly astounded by the swift changes, and advancements in modern technology.

After her trip, she deemed it rather unfortunate; the eternal realm didn’t have internet or wifi, because then she’d never have to leave Qingqiu, ever. She also commented High God Zhe Yan would enjoy social media because he loves to gossip.

The only aspect Bai Qian didn’t enjoy, was the overwhelming loud sounds in a massive modern metropolitan city. There was never silence and it was too much for her sensitive fox ears. It always took her a few hours to adjust to the extreme level of noise pollution.

Personally Ye Hua found ironic humor behind her comment since she yapped endlessly. Similar to a talkative stranger one meets during a long flight, after they’ve just consumed a triple espresso.

Bai Qian then stared out the window in wonder, marveled at the expansive growth and exclaimed loudly, “I can’t believe how different things are now. I still remember when there were open fields and animals roamed freely. The sky used to be blue but not anymore.”

After hearing her offhanded comment, the driver casually asked, “When was the last time you were in Beijing?”

Bai Qian replied honestly without hesitation, “I lived here for almost 30 years when I was younger.”

The driver glanced back at Bai Qian with an expression of surprise, due to her youthful appearance. He commented on how young she looked.

Snickering in utter delight, Bai Qian responded sweetly, “Thank you, but I’m well over thirty years old. I lived here during the Qing Dynasty. Beijing looked much different then. The change is incredible!”

Confused by Bai Qian’s absurd response, the man looked back at Ye Hua from the rear-view mirror and said amused, “Young man. You’re very fortunate to have a wife who’s so beautiful and witty. The Qing Dynasty!”

At the very same time they both promptly responded but their replies were entirely different.

Ye Hua said “Thank you, yes, my wife is indeed beautiful.” Bai Qian said “I’m not his wife. How ridiculous! I’m almost triple his age! Do I look like a pedophile to you?”

Throughout their journey in the mortal realm, awkward moments like this would become a common occurrence. Bai Qian didn’t feel the need to curb her words, and spoke freely whatever popped into her mind. Ye Hua however, was a bit more perceptive and knew how silly she sounded.

When they went to check into the hotel, it went something like this.

Upon check in when asked for identification, Ye Hua slyly gave the gentleman a hefty tip for his services. He inquired in a low voice if an identification was absolutely necessary for a room. He then requested one cozy room with the smallest bed available for himself and his wife.

Also, he wouldn’t be leaving a credit card on file for incidentals. Instead, he put down an excessively large sum of cash in advance for any services rendered. Furthermore, they didn’t need a bellman because they didn’t have any luggage.

Ye Hua already looked incredibly conspicuous and shady, but when asked for a name to put the room under, he just replied straight-faced. “Prince Ye Hua.”

The hotel employee perceived Ye Hua’s sneaky questionable behavior like this; ‘Mr. Didn’t use his real name’ was taking his ‘wife’ for an afternoon frolic, and didn’t want to leave any evidence on his credit card statement. This way his other ‘wife’ wouldn’t find out about this ‘wife.’ The secret code language of ‘The Cheater’s Club.’

Bai Qian heard Ye Hua’s request and corrected, “Two rooms and they don’t have to be close. The top floor is a must for me because I like a view. Ye Hua’s room can be on any level. Actually, the further from mine the better.”

The hotel attendant’s nervous glance darted back, and forth from Ye Hua to Bai Qian not knowing how to continue. He then understood Mr. Prince Ye Hua, and his ‘wife’ were fighting and decided to follow Mr. Prince’s request for one room.

Bai Qian recognized her request being ignored and sauntered in front of Ye Hua. She deliberately took off her sunglasses slowly, and leaned forwards most suggestively. She flashed her seductive nine-tailed fox smile. She then placed down a luminous pearl the size of a walnut as payment for her room.

“I’m not his wife. By the way, has anyone ever told you that your eyes are lovely? Just like two sparkling stars…bedroom eyes. Two room far apart from each other. Top floor with an open view of the sky. Please.” Bai Qian purred in her sexiest voice.

Unfortunately for Bai Qian, the gentleman checking them in was on the same team as Zhe Yan, and her seductive female approach didn’t have any effect whatsoever. So instead, she enchanted him with a spell to do her bidding.

Instantly bewitched and much to Ye Hua’s disappointment, they end up with two rooms on the top floor on opposite sides of the hotel tower. A half mile walking distance apart.

Ye Hua challenged skeptically under his breath while waiting for the elevator. “You used an enchantment spell, Qian Qian. You know it’s dangerous to use magic in the mortal realm.”

Bai Qian flat-out lied without a hint of expression, and laughed as if it was the most absurdly outlandish charge she’d ever heard.

Instantly, Bai Qian replied most arrogantly, “I don’t need to use magic because I’m stunning. All men either immortal or human are weak when it comes to such beauty as mine. My greatest weapon is my appeal. Live and learn young prince. Gugu has been around 90,000 years longer than you.”

The elevator was empty when they stepped in, but a large group of people consisting of all men joined them. The mass of bodies in the compact space forced Ye Hua and Bai Qian backward, so their backsides firmly pressed against the wall.

The ride up the lift felt incredibly long and cramped. The man who stood in front of Bai Qian purposely stepped back, so that he could feel her up. He grinned at his companions as his back securely pushed against her chest. Some of the men brazenly gawked, and admired her beauty while exchanging suggestive glances.

Right in front of Ye Hua. Grrrrrrrrr!

Bai Qian felt it. Ye Hua’s growing anger. He was offended by the blatant lack of respect since he was apparently beside and with her. He was furious and the rage of a young man’s jealousy detonated within him. He was so outraged that she heard a faint perceptible flicker when it went off. Like a snap. His temper.

Ye Hua pushed the man in the back forcefully and growled, “You’re rubbing up on my…”

Bai Qian nudged him hard, stomped down on his foot and shook her head ‘no’, to stop him from saying anything else. She pointed to the security camera in the elevator.

However, Ye Hua was too furious and couldn’t stand anyone even looking at her. Instead, he deliberately pushed Bai Qian into the very corner of the small square area. Turned to face her, raised and extended both arms and planted his palms on the sides of her face. His upper body appeared in the position of a pushup. Using his body and arms, he created a protective embankment around her, so nobody could get near or look at her. He bent his arms and took a big step forward, until their bodies pressed tightly against each other.

It was suffocating and she broke out in a light perspiration from the heat. Bai Qian’s nipples hardened under her blouse as a result of direct body contact. They were so close that Ye Hua’s full lips lightly grazed against her ear. She shivered as she felt the warmth of his exhale on her exposed neck.

After a few moments in this intimate position, Ye Hua pulled his head back, met her uncertain gaze and wordlessly pressed his lips to hers. A crushing heated kiss in front of everybody! The second his mouth touched her, she saw stars. It became unbearably warm and as if hot molten lava, was flowing through her veins instead of blood. Her body was on fire.

Was she falling? That’s how it felt. Her knees trembled, weakened and buckled. Bai Qian pushed back into Ye Hua’s body for balance, but he misunderstood her reaction for reciprocation to his advances. Instead of stopping, his urgent kiss only deepened and intensified and oddly, she kissed him back.

Bai Qian moaned softly when his tongue slid into her partly open mouth, and the deafening swishing sound of swiftly rushing blood echoed in her ears.

In her mind, Bai Qian knew this was madness. Why couldn’t she stop herself? Why did her body lead and he followed? She lightly moved left hand behind his neck for balance and intuitively, he tilted his head slightly to the right, leaned in and pushed his left leg against her.

This pattern of movements between them felt like, a well-rehearsed intimate dance like the tango and Ye Hua, her lifelong partner. Her body went slightly ahead, awaiting his next move and she was always right. He came to her just as she’d predicted and expected.

She tested her speculation. Bai Qian placed her right hand around his waist, slid her left palm down to his shoulder, and she premeditated and guessed his following moves. He would center his weight, stand straight, firmly press his readiness into her, moan, wrap his arms around her waist, and pull her body forward and that’s precisely what Ye Hua did. Exactly.

Impossible, but Bai Qian understood his body and the sequence of his movements quite intimately. Ye Hua broke their kiss first and pressed his forehead lightly to hers. They both panted and gasped to catch their winded breath.

How long had she and Ye Hua been kissing? It felt as if everything else around them ceased to exist. Bai Qian finally noticed there wasn’t anyone else in the elevator and it was their floor. They were alone.

Breathlessly, Ye Hua excitedly spoke in between exhales, “Did you just feel that? Between us? Our bodies were reuniting.”

Bai Qian’s posture stiffened and she snapped back sharply without making direct eye contact. Ye Hua’s hungry carnivorous gaze could seduce her easily. In all honesty, she was already halfway there.

Short, curt words hurried from her lips, “What I felt was you taking liberties with me again. Ye Hua, I’m tired. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Without even a single glance back, Bai Qian briskly walked to her room. Had Ye Hua not been watching she would have surely sprinted. She slipped the hotel key in the slot and swiftly forced the door open. After the entrance securely closed behind her, she finally allowed herself to release her inner feelings, as she pressed her backside against the door and slid weakly to the ground.

Why did it feel like there was another woman trapped inside her? What were these strange sensations she was experiencing? Why did Ye Hua make her feel like someone else?

Bai Qian fiercely scolded herself for her indecent behavior. There was a strong possibility she was married to Mo Yuan. Kissing and touching Ye Hua was wicked. Immoral. Shameless. But being with him made her feel insane. She felt crazed from her caged desire, because regardless of how much she resisted, he was the devil that made her want to sin.

What she needed was a shower. Just wash away her sinful thoughts, and then they’d disappear forever down the drain like the water. Bai Qian wished it was that simple.

She leaned forward with both palms flat on the marble wall before her. Bai Qian closed her eyes and welcomed the hot jetting water as it hit her head, ran down her body and made some of the tension from the day melt away.

Even while she chastised herself for her lewd behavior, her hand automatically went down below. Bai Qian touched herself and softly moaned, while her fingers moved in and out of her lower treasure. She was so slippery and wet and it wasn’t from the shower. Her honey was slick and thicker. There was a difference.

Bai Qian fondled her breasts and rolled her erect nipples between her fingertips. She rubbed her outer sweet spot with more pressure, and stroked herself in a swift repetitive circular motion. Her pleasure continued to rise with her rapid hand movements. She pinched her nipples a little harder, and felt herself on the verge of climax when suddenly, two masculine hands appeared in the midst of cloud-jumping vapors, and reached around from behind.

Bai Qian felt a male body and especially his ready manhood, that pressed firmly against her backside. One hand speedily penetrated her more in-depth with his long thick fingers, and his other hand groped the breast she wasn’t touching. His lips kissed and sucked on her neck, and she instantly knew who was standing behind her. The subtle tickle from facial hair…a mustache and beard. It was her Shifu, Mo Yuan.

She moaned ‘Shifu’ and his fingers dove into her harder, when he heard Bai Qian call out his name. The sheer intensity of immense pleasure paralyzed her and she climaxed immediately.

Mo Yuan swiftly spun her around and passionately pressed his mouth against hers. His lips made her body twitch as if hit with an electrically charged jolt. She felt the butterflies in the stomach, feeling the bubbly erupting excitement of being with someone new, after years of temptation, nervous buildup, sexual tension and frenzied anticipation.

Shifu’s body and kisses were unknown until that moment of contact. He would discover her and Seventeen in return would explore him. And this time they would remember.

Mo Yuan kissed her hungrily. Seventeen quivered when his tongue moved into her parted mouth. His tongue met, twisted and rolled with hers slowly. Sensuously. He was a great kisser.

Without breaking their heated kiss, he pressed Bai Qian firmly up against the glass shower wall. Mo Yuan’s big hands groped her bottom and the back of her drenched thighs. Effortlessly, he hoisted her body up high as if she were as light as a feather, with his muscular shoulders and arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. She held him fast as he carried her out of the shower.

Bai Qian didn’t know how he did it but they were on the bed and their lips never parted. Not even for a second. She clung to the front of his body like a baby monkey. Mo Yuan crawled on his knees with one arm that held her body secure to his, and moved up the bed as if she weighed nothing. He was that strong.

They were both drenched, dripping water everywhere and the now bed was soaking wet. Mo Yuan gently laid her down and positioned himself between Bai Qian’s open thighs. He stared intently into her eyes and his fiery gaze smoldered with desire, but a little smile came to his lips.

He tenderly pushed back the wet hair stuck to her face and softly said, “Finally, just you and me and this time no wine.”

Mo Yuan then kissed Seventeen with all the passion he’d held back for thousands of years.

To be continued…..





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