清醒梦 Qīngxǐng Mèng: Lucid Dream: Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms Fanfiction Ch 1

This fanfiction doesn’t have SuSu. It does not follow the original timeline. Bai Qian was never a Kunlun disciple and has never met Mo Yuan or Ye Hua. Ye Hua/Bai Qian lovers, come out, come out wherever you are, this one is for you.

Bai Qian quietly nibbled on sunflower seeds in her favorite mortal tea house. Intently watching a play of ill-fated lovers forced to part tragically, and the actors delivered their roles to perfection. Their superb acting was so believable, that her eyes watered at the end of the heartbreaking lover’s parting scene.

Clapping, she nonchalantly threw down a luminous pearl as payment to the performers. What others considered a fortune was merely pocket change to her since Bai Qian didn’t truly understand the value of money. Coming from an immortal land of endless wealth, she’d never worried or thought of such trivial matters.

“You’re too beautiful to be alone. You’re the fairest woman I’ve ever seen.” Said the stranger who’d abruptly sat at her table.

She smirked. Bai Qian was used to men coming on to her always. Undesired attention. She was indeed exquisitely beautiful and utterly indifferent to men’s affections.

Ignoring the man, Bai Qian turned her eyes back to the actors and waited for the next play but the man was persistent. He appeared to be a bit older and displayed much wealth. He wore many rings of gold and jade and his robe was one of exquisite silk.

He reached for her hand and dared to say, “I like feisty women. I’d love for you to join me for dinner.”

Bai Qian yanked her hand away and disinterestedly said, “I’m not interested!”

He reached for her more forcefully and chuckled, “I’m looking for a third wife. Are you single?”

Bai Qian stared at the manner-less mortal in total disdain and considered using a spell to make him disappear, when a soft voice said, “I’m sorry I’m late. Did I miss the entire play?”

Smiling the young man sat next to Bai Qian, turned and challenged the other man, “You’re taking liberties with my wife. How dare you speak so rudely. Apologize immediately or you and I can settle matters outside.”

The young man put his slender hand on the shield of his sword, and his cold expression was enough to intimidate the rude man. He apologized to Bai Qian and the young man before he swiftly left them alone.

Bai Qian studied this unknown mortal young man. He was strikingly handsome with dark, intelligent eyes, a straight high nose, full lips and an exquisite jawline. His simple attire was made of neutral-hued linens, and he wore a modest wooden ornament to hold his topknot. Before she could say anything, he stood to leave. She was stunned. He didn’t even give her a second glance and started to step away. She wasn’t used to young men walking away from her.

“Who are you?” Bai Qian’s tone was one of piqued curiosity.

He turned back and just replied, “I’m nobody but it seemed like you needed some help. Goodbye.”

To Bai Qian’s amazement, the young man strolled down the stairs and out of the tea house. She didn’t know why but she followed him. He was incredibly handsome but she was intrigued by his sheer disinterest in her. Something she’d never encountered before, ever.

He walked a long distance towards the forest and stopped a couple of times and glanced back. Bai Qian hid behind a tree when he turned towards her. She didn’t know why she was sneaking but she just did.

Suddenly he disappeared so Bai Qian carefully stepped out from behind the giant pine tree, and heard his soft voice ask from her backside, “Why are you following me?”

His voice was soft and smooth but she jumped back surprised. Bai Qian stammered, “I… I wasn’t following you. I was just walking.”

“Way out here? Why would you be walking miles from town?” The young man questioned.

He didn’t look the slightest bit interested, if anything, he appeared somewhat annoyed. Indifferently he glanced Bai Qian up and down and asserted, “Be careful, the woods have monsters so a princess like you should go back to your rich home, and have your servants take care of you.”

She scoffed, “Why do you think I’m rich?”

Aloofly he turned his back towards Bai Qian, started to walk away but casually stated, “The pearl you threw to the actors is worth more than some people make their entire lives. Go home princess and be careful of the monsters on your way out.”

He nonchalantly waved goodbye without turning back and continued to walk away.

In disbelief, Bai Qian stood in a daze and wondered what just happened. Who was this mortal man and why was she so curious? Never had she ever met a man who treated her so indifferently as the mortal did, and it was utterly perplexing.

Bai Qian returned to Qingqiu and couldn’t stop thinking about the mortal. Granted he was strikingly handsome, but his disinterested treatment of her was something entirely foreign and new. She sat up in bed and regardless of all her attempts, she couldn’t get him out of her head. Not even the next day or the day after that so she found herself going back to see him again.

Due to the vast time difference in the mortal realm, two years had passed since she saw him last but Bai Qian returned to the very same spot in the woods. She didn’t see him but smelled smoke from what she believed to be a hearth.

Following the scent, Bai Qian stumbled across a humble little-thatched hut. It was open and the delicious smell of something mouthwatering and edible came from the kitchen.

She was trying to be sneaky and peeked around when she heard a soft man’s voice ask, “Princess, why are you back?”

Swiftly she whipped around and there stood the handsome young mortal man with the dark, intelligent eyes. In his slender hand a bow and arrow and two pheasants he’d shot.

Casually he declared, “Princess since you’re already here, you’re welcome to come in and eat before you go. I hate eating alone.”

He walked into the small home without bothering to see if she were following behind him.

It was an audible thud. Bai Qian heard a loud plop inside her body. She didn’t know it then but it was the sound of her heart falling in love with a mortal man.

To be continued…..



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