報復 Bàofù V: Trials of the Celestial Empress: Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms Fanfiction Chapter 5

Destined Meeting

The widow Lang Bi and Wang Gao’s residences were adjacent, their houses shared the same small courtyard. Since the passing of his unfortunate spouse, Lang Bi avoided any contact with him. His lingering stares and his awareness of the lack of a man’s presence in her home made her feel vulnerable and uneasy. She preferred to stay inside when he was nearby. They had been neighbors for over ten years but she couldn’t bear his obnoxiously, bellowing voice or the harsh manner in which he treated his children—specifically his eldest daughter, Meihua. Although she kept to herself and respected their privacy, living within such close proximity meant she often unwillingly eavesdropped on their daily occurrences. She had grown accustomed to hearing yelling and loud banging sounds but today was different, as something dreadful seemed to happen outside of their homes.

It was the sound of children’s terror-filled screams that jolted her awake. She frantically rushed to the window, fear pulsing through her veins at the unfamiliar men’s voices speaking too loudly and the disturbing cries of the frightened young ones being carried out of their homes and roughly handled and placed in the creaky wagon of the carriage. “How could their father do this? Selling his flesh and blood to pay off his gambling debts. Is his life worth more than his family’s future?” It was still dark outside, predawn, but she could vaguely make out two figures moving in the shadows. The taller man was speaking to his companion, who replied with annoyance, “Damn, we can’t leave yet. There are only seven children here; we’re missing the eldest girl and boy. The oldest boy doesn’t matter but girls and the baby are most valuable. Young virgin girls are always in demand. They’ll fetch a handsome reward at the Hall of Eternal Springtime and the baby has already been purchased by some Lord without a male heir.”

She couldn’t believe what they were saying. The men’s callousness towards the sobbing children made it seem as though they were discussing commodities or livestock rather than fellow human beings. They carried on with their despicable conversation, completely unfazed by the cries of the innocent. “The others are a different matter. They may pose a challenge. It will be more difficult with them, but the boys can still fetch a high price from the palace brokers after they’ve been castrated.”

Lang Bi’s heart raced with a mixture of horror and disgust as she overheard the men discussing the fate of the remaining children. The mere thought of these innocent souls being sold into slavery or having their genitals mutilated for profit made her physically ill. She couldn’t bear to think about the pain and suffering they would endure and as horrific as it was, it didn’t surprise her. It was no surprise that Wang Gao, a man devoid of any moral compass, would partake in such heinous and unlawful acts against his children, a nefarious deed that was forbidden. The Emperor had already issued a royal edict to stop the skin trade after young girls were being kidnapped from the streets and sold into pleasure houses. Adoptions were now strictly regulated, requiring both proof of birth and legal documentation under the family registry, with most adoptions happening within the same family to members who could not conceive on their own. It was obvious that what was happening outside her door was an illegal abduction.

She knew she wasn’t the only one witnessing this crime unfolding. There were probably others watching from inside their home, too afraid to step out of their doors and intervene. Lang Bi herself wasn’t one to get involved in other people’s household matters but she quickly dressed, covering her head and face with a scarf, and grabbed her lantern, placing her basket of dirty clothing under her arm. Lang Bi gathered her courage and stepped out into the courtyard. As she approached the two men, they turned to face her with surprise and suspicion. The poor children. She could see fear in the eyes of their eyes but as the men stated, Meihua wasn’t with them. She had to find Meihua and save her from a fate worse than death. Lang Bi had seen Meihua enough to have a rough grasp of her schedule. Meihua did her washing in the early morning. “You there, woman. Have you seen the older girl that lives here?”

Lang Bi refused to meet their eyes and fabricated a story. “The eldest girl goes to Mr. Peng’s every morning to get milk for the baby. He lives up the road. It’s a 40-minute walk, but what is happening here? Why are you taking these children? Where is their father?” She knew as a neighbor it would appear suspicious if she didn’t ask what was going on. The taller man seemed in charge. He spit on the ground and curled his lip in contempt. “Woman, you shouldn’t meddle in things that don’t concern you. If you value your safety, go about your work and mind your own business.”

“Whatever nonsense you’re up to, you better be quiet before you wake the entire neighborhood. Then you’ll have everyone out here asking what you’re doing,” Lang Bi mumbled, trying to steady her quivering voice and hide her trembling hands as she walked away and towards the river, hoping that her lie would create enough time to keep Meihua safe for a brief moment at least until she could get away. She knew that if she was caught in her deception, the consequences could be dire, but it had been heartbreaking and unbearable to watch the other children ripped from their homes. There wasn’t anything she could do to save them, but she prayed Meihua would be a different story.

She was far from being a young woman, but she ran until she was out of breath. As she got closer to the river, she could see Meihua’s figure crouched by the water, scrubbing furiously at a pile of clothes. Lang Bi hurried towards her, careful not to draw attention to herself. “Meihua,” Lang Bi whispered urgently as she approached. “We need to leave now.” Meihua turned around in surprise, her eyes widening when she saw Lang Bi’s panic-stricken expression. “What’s happened?” Meihua wiped the strays of hair from her face and asked, setting aside her scrubbing tools.

“There are strange evil men at your home,” Lang Bi said quickly. “They’re taking your siblings away to sell them. Your father has sold you too.” Meihua’s face went pale with fear and confusion. “I have to save them,” Meihua shouted firmly, but she appeared dazed, clumsily grabbing the wet clothing and piling it on the dirty ones she had yet to wash then dropping them again as if she had lost all the strength from her hands.

Lang Bi shook Meihua gently, trying to snap her out of shock. But the girl’s eyes were glazed over and her face was expressionless, completely overwhelmed by the situation. “I know you want to save them,” Lang Bi said quietly. “But it’s not safe for you to stay here. My poor child, you must run far away. I’ll try to hold off the men as long as possible, but you have to go now!” She wished she had some money to give Meihua for her journey, unsure if the girl had anywhere else to turn to. After a moment of silence, Meihua asked desperately, “How am I supposed to get everyone back?” Lang Bi took off her jacket and placed it on Meihua’s slender shoulders, then covered her head and lower face with a scarf and replied with a weak smile hiding the hopelessness of it all. “You’ll need money. You can buy everyone their freedom. Now go. If you get caught, how will you help the other? You don’t have any time to spare,” Lang Bi’s heart shank for her. She didn’t know what the future had in store for the girl. She pushed Meihua away, urging the reluctant terrified girl to leave, and when Meihua left, she silently wept, hoping for Meihua’s safety and knowing that could be the last time she would ever see Wang Meihua again.


Commander, Younger Master Bai Yi Bo-


A look of disgust crossed his face. The palanquin’s interior was filled with overpowering perfume scents that made Bai Yi Bo wrinkle his nose. The potent fragrances from the courtesans had clung to his hair and clothes, leaving a heavy, unpleasant floral odor that lingered. He smacked his lips, wishing he had some water to wash away the lingering taste of wine on his tongue. He wasn’t accustomed to spending time in places like the Hall of Eternal Springtime. While it was well known for its lively ambiance and abundance of beautiful women and fine wines, for the practical and taciturn Commander of the Department of Safety and Law Compliance, it was simply another chaotic location filled with too many people.

He was not a fan of drinking or loud environments, and he definitely did not enjoy the attention of overtly flirtatious women. As one of the most sought-after bachelors in town, he, a member of the royal family, was used to being pursued by forward females but had no interest in them. It wasn’t until his colleague’s promotion and peer pressure that he too reluctantly agreed to attend the lively gathering. Yi Bo immediately regretted his decision as the overwhelming smell of perfume and sweat filled the sedan, making him feel nauseous. To ease his discomfort, he cracked open one window and let in a refreshing breeze. But as soon as he leaned his head out for some fresh air, he noticed what seemed to be a dead dog or pile of clothes on the road ahead.

“Pull over the sedan,” Commander Bai commanded. As an enforcer of the law, his duty was to ensure the safety of others and assist anyone in need. He hopped out before the vehicle came to a complete stop and raced towards the obstruction on the roadside. It wasn’t a wounded animal or a pile of trash, but a human being – a young girl who appeared to be unconscious. Her skin was icy and clammy to the touch, but having seen enough lifeless bodies in his line of work, the Commander could tell she was still breathing. He knelt beside her and checked her pulse. It was faint and erratic, difficult even for an expert like himself to detect. Next, he placed his finger under her nose to feel her breaths. Her exhales were shallow and unsteady.

“Commander, you shouldn’t have touched her. She appears diseased. Many of these people are unwell.” His driver made his feelings clear. He wrinkled his nose in distaste and gasped in horror as Commander Bai removed his coat and draped it over the young girl. The broad-shouldered commander lifted her carefully, as if she weighed only a feather, and carried her back to the waiting sedan against his driver’s insistent resistance. “Aya! You can’t do this. I insist – give her to me. I’ll take her back and place her in a holding cell for the night. What will people say? You haven’t yet married. You shouldn’t hold a girl like that. Commander, it’s not appropriate.”

Bai Yi Bo glared at his driver. “If you have eyes, you can see that she needs a doctor, and I am taking her back to the manor, which is closer than the station. Once she recovers, we will locate her family and return her to her rightful place,” said Commander Bai in an authoritative but not unkind tone. “I couldn’t care less about what others say about me. People should focus on their own lives instead of meddling in mine. If my sister, Yueli, had lived, she would be around this girl’s age,” his driver Tan Zhuxian huffed. His grumpy face reflected his disapproval. “Commander, you must stop trying to save everyone just because they remind you of the princess. We all loved her dearly, but you cannot take a strange girl home because she reminds you of the little princess,” he added shaking his head at the situation but he knew judging by the expression on the Commander’s face he wouldn’t be able to change his master’s mind.

Yi Bo’s face hardened with frustration and anger as he leaned out of the sedan, gripping the door handle tightly as he scolded his driver. “Zhuxian, are you going to get moving or should I leave you behind?” His impatience grew as he continued, “If this young girl dies because of your delay, I’ll have you sent to the farthest border as punishment. Hurry and drive; once we reach the manor, fetch one of our family’s imperial physicians. And don’t even think about disobeying me – I’ll have my uncle, the Emperor, have your head on a platter.” Commander Bai pulled the smaller figure closer to him for warmth and protection while Tan Zhuxian shut the door firmly and drove forward, as commanded by Yi Bo.

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