報復 Bàofù V: Trials of the Celestial Empress: Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms Fanfiction Chapter 11

The Lantern Festival


“How could you be so absent-minded?” Qing Yuan exclaimed, throwing his hand in the air and huffing out his mouth. “What do you mean you didn’t send her something to wear?! This girl, your pretend lover… shouldn’t she at least look like she’s from a wealthy family? How could a house servant afford to dress like someone who should be your partner? You should have also sent her a servant as well. Proper ladies always have a servant by their side.”

Qing Yuan’s loud voice drew unwanted attention from passersby. “Keep your voice down,” Jinghua said, while thinking that Qing Yuan’s reaction might be excessive, but there was a possibility his opinionated friend could have a valid point about Meihua’s needs. But it had never crossed Jinghua’s mind. It didn’t occur to him to extend her such courtesies. He was out of his comfort zone since Jinghua never pursued a woman or engaged in any form of courtship. His marriage to Lady Min was arranged, and even after all these years, he wouldn’t claim to know his wife as well as he should.

Being attentive wasn’t in his character. Even during holidays or on her birthdays, Lady Min had never received dresses, jewelry, trinkets, or any gifts from him. After all, she had complete access to the financial support provided by royal father and his personal assets, so he didn’t see the necessity of buying her something she might not even like. In his opinion, it would be more practical for women to buy what they desire on their own.

“Jinghua, I have to confess that I may have overestimated your comprehension of women throughout these years. It seems like you’re completely clueless when it comes to them. Instead of merely sending her a message to meet us here, you should have provided her with suitable attire and accompanied her to the festival like a true gentleman. Just look at all the people rejoicing in the holiday! How on earth will we ever locate her?” Qian Yuan was fretting over what Jinghua perceived as trivial matters.

“I guess we’ll have to search for a girl dressed as a servant, and once we find her, that’s most likely her,” Jinghua replied. Qing Yuan scoffed, giving his friend a rejecting look. “You’re just a scoundrel. I hope she stands you up and doesn’t show. I would laugh so hard that my stomach would ache, witnessing the mighty Fourth Prince Jinghua being rejected by a servant girl. And while you struggle like a fish out of water, I’ll be enjoying the company of my latest love interest. She’s breathtaking, can’t you see? Look on the bridge. The one standing there all alone, without a servant or a male companion. It wouldn’t be proper for me, Qing Yuan, to leave such a beautiful woman all by herself.”

Qing Yuan adjusted his jade hairpin, straightened his posture, and strode toward the mysterious woman standing on the bridge, overflowing with confidence. Jinghua’s gaze wasn’t driven by curiosity to gawk at some attention seeking woman; instead, it was fueled by a guilty pleasure. He found pleasure in watching Qing Yuan fall in love with yet another woman he had just met, only to be rejected. His eyes followed Qing Yuan as he approached the woman, and his romance seeking friend wasn’t the only one intrigued by her. Men of all ages, including children and white-haired elders, as well as those with wives and partners, were also gawking, rubbing elbows, and whispering about her as they walked away. Their lecherous gazes and lustful expressions were clear. Jinghua could only imagine the vulgar things they were saying, which marginally piqued his interest as he wondered what kind of woman could capture so much attention.

Peeking at her from a distance, he noticed that her appearance was not repulsive. She wore a teal gown that reminded him of the attire his royal princess sisters often donned. The gown was adorned with intricate golden threading, which shimmered in the light. A golden belt cinched around her waist accentuated her slender figure. Instead of the customary golden hair accessories, she had decorated her arranged hair with delicate peach blossoms, adding a refined touch. These floral adornments drew attention to her ears, which were graced with sizable, oval teal-colored sapphire earrings that perfectly matched her gown. The earrings swayed with each of her movements, capturing and reflecting the surrounding light. In her hand, she held a beautifully designed fan with curved jade handles. Her movements were graceful, and when she unfurled the fan, a stunning silk painting depicting the majestic peaks of Kunlun Mountain was revealed. The fan bore a striking resemblance to one Jinghua had noticed in Jingyuan’s office, but he quickly dismissed the possibility of them being the same. Meihua, a girl like her, would not have the means to afford such an item as the infamous Jade Purity Fan. Besides, replicas were readily available and circulating on the black market. However, as she tapped the open fan against her nose, concealing a coy smile behind it, a surge of indescribable emotions overwhelmed him. These feelings were hard for him to identify and impossible to articulate.

He couldn’t tear his eyes away from her. As she lowered the fan from her face, revealing more of her features, Jinghua found himself unable to close his gaping mouth. Seeing that it was Meihua standing there left him stunned. He stood there, jaw dropped in disbelief, for longer than he should have, longer than he wanted to. He couldn’t help himself, unable to pull his eyes off her. The intense shock was so overpowering that he wouldn’t have even noticed physical pain, not even if an arrow had pierced his flesh. He never could have imagined that the humble servant girl he knew could look so different, like a completely different person.

At that moment, Jinghua felt underdressed and hurried towards Meihua, bounding up the stairs two steps at a time, pushing past Qing Yuan. However, instead of stepping aside, Qing Yuan only became more of an obstruction. Jinghua’s push caused Qing Yuan to spin around in a complete circle twice, resulting in him tripping over the hem of his coat. He stumbled forward, his footing unsteady, and then plummeted. But it wasn’t the hard ground that broke his fall; it was Meihua’s outstretched arms. Qing Yuan remained in Meihua’s embrace, looking up at her with a foolish smile on his face and hearts pouring from his mesmerized eyes. It was an uncomfortable situation. It was rare for a woman to catch a man in such an intimate position, and the nearby onlookers seemed to derive great amusement from the scene. However, Jinghua did not find it amusing.

He helped Qing Yuan to his feet, his friend mumbling with a dazed expression and a silly grin on his face, as if he were intoxicated. “This must be a sign from above,” Qing Yuan proclaimed. “It seems like fate is at work here. Miss, you’ve saved Shao Qing Yuan. I am indebted to you, but I can’t help but wonder if our meeting was destined. It feels like love at first sight,” Qing Yuan said, causing Jinghua to growl, “Get up. Get off Meihua. You’re too heavy for her to carry, and you look ridiculous.” Qing Yuan raised his eyebrows and widened his eyes. His mouth formed a perfect circle. “Is this her?” Surprise was written all over his face. “My friend, who seems to lack any romantic inclination, perhaps you are not as foolish as I initially believed,” he said, turning towards her. “I must confess, I mistook you for a goddess. I cannot help but wonder if the heavens are aware of their loss,” Qing Yuan remarked. Jinghua couldn’t help but wonder how her friend could utter such absurdities without a hint of shame.

Meihua shut her fan in her hand, revealing her face and the lotus huadian on her forehead. She gathered her arms to greet Jinghua as tradition dictated, but he stopped her and said, “Let’s not attract any more attention to ourselves. We don’t need more eyes on us than we already have.” Jinghua raised his voice, knowing the royal mother’s eunuch had been following him since he left his estate, observing his every move to report back, making the situation more uncomfortable than it already was.

The three of them stood in awkward silence until Jinghua said, “You clean up… nicely.” He had intended it as a compliment, but the smile she had for Qing Yuan vanished as she turned to Jinghua with her usual inhospitable expression. “Thank you for the dresses, jewelry, and this fan. I’ll return everything once this… performance is over. It was a concern for me, so I asked the Grand Princess to assist me, and she planned to have a dressmaker come to the estate. But then this,” Meihua gestured to her gown, “along with several other dresses, were delivered without the sender’s name, so I assumed it was you but now I don’t know who to thank.” she said, tapping her fan against her open palm.

“Keep your gratitude to yourself. You don’t need to return anything because I didn’t send them to you,” Jinghua responded calmly, concealing his true thoughts. However, he was taken aback by her appearance, and his astonishment turned into anger towards himself. Unable to contain his frustration, he directed his anger towards Meihua. “Didn’t you understand the concept of a secret courtship?” Jinghua sighed at her, while Qing Yuan gasped in horror. Realizing his friend’s cluelessness, Qing Yuan slapped himself on the forehead in frustration and stepped forward, placing himself between Jinghua and Meihua. “Jinghua, it’s appropriate for Miss Meihua to inform the grand princess as a witness, to ensure you don’t take advantage of her,” Qing Yuan said, attempting to defuse the tense situation. “Please excuse my impolite friend. His manners, or lack thereof, are quite nonexistent.”

Qing Yuan reached out and took Meihua’s hand, a smile forming on his lips. “Your name suits you perfectly, Miss Meihua, beautiful flower. Although this is our first encounter, I must say, you are absolutely stunning and breathtaking,” he complimented her. “I can’t help but feel that the fireworks will go unnoticed tonight. All eyes will be captivated by your sparkling gaze. It’s quite unfortunate for the other women, as they pale compared to your beauty, and for the men who will undoubtedly fall head over heels for you at first sight.” Both Qing Yuan and Meihua snickered at each other, but Jinghua found their rapidly blossoming connection rather irritating and cringe-worthy.

Jinghua’s impatience was growing, while Meihua responded with giggles and fluttered her long lashes. She attempted to conceal her nervousness, but he noticed her slightly trembling, rouge-covered bottom lip. She bit down the inside of her lips as what he perceived as flirtatious, and he might have been overreacting. However, the way she was looking at Qing Yuan, locking eyes with him in what Jinghua deemed as an inappropriate manner, considering she was supposed to be his love interest, made Jinghua feel a strange sensation, which he dismissed as irrelevant.

“Today won’t take long, less than two hours. The purpose is to be seen, creating gossip that will reach my mother’s ears,” Jinghua said, likely appearing rude. Meihua’s smile for Qing Yuan vanished, replaced by a look of annoyance, as she did when she spoke to him. She then asked, “What am I to call you? Fourth Pr… hmm, Jinghua?” He was surprised by her casual manner of addressing him, since a servant had never spoken to him in that manner. Jinghua was unsure how to respond, but he didn’t need to utter a word since Qing Yuan interrupted before he could say anything. “Miss Meihua, do you like sweets? I know where they sell the best dragon’s beard candy. What about táng hú lu, toffee apples, or tang yang, rice balls? I could eat them all day. I love sweets, but is it possible A-Mei is sweet enough on her own?” Qing Yuan’s giddy, high-pitched giggle made Jinghua nauseous, but his friend’s excitement over meeting a new woman was unstoppable.

“A-Mei, hurry! We need to find a lantern and make a wish before they run out,” Qing Yuan exclaimed, reaching out to grab her hand. Jinghua interjected, “Don’t touch her. Don’t touch that hand. It will cost me a fortune.” Ignoring Jinghua’s warning, Qing Yuan guided Meihua towards the bustling festivities. She glanced back, and Jinghua thought he saw a glimmer of friendliness in her eyes. She turned to him and asked, “Jinghua, do you like sweets? Big brother Qian Yuan, slow down so we can all go together.”

Jinghua wondered when Qing Yuan and Meihua had become so comfortable with each other, speaking with casual ease and using affectionate names. “A prince doesn’t indulge in street food. Go ahead,” Jinghua replied, trailing behind them. He disliked the noisy festivals and the chaos and commotion. As much as he disliked loud crowded places, he loathed the charlatans and fortune tellers littered along the walkways, like the one Meihua and Qing Yuan were standing by.

“Gūniáng, the peach blossoms in your hair are exquisite. Perhaps not as exquisite as mine, but still beautiful. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Zhe Yan and I was wondering if you’d like me to help you recall your past lives?” Jingyuan grimaced at the seer in unusual attire for a man. He wore a pale pink robe that matched the pink silk ribbon in his long hair sitting behind a small table drinking wine from a small brunet colored container. It was impossible to say how old he was since there wasn’t a single wrinkle on his smooth face, but he had a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

Jinghua distrusted him instantly.

“Another swindler.” Jinghua mumbled, and the man’s eyes flew open in perplexity and he spoke to Jinghua as if they had met before, “Oh, it’s you again. Once a cynic, always a cynic. Some things never change and I didn’t come all this way to see you.”

“Don’t fall for crooks like him.” Jinghua said, then turned to the man and added, “You should be ashamed of yourself. A proper man shouldn’t trick people out of their hard-earned money. Not to mention you seem like a drunk.” The man took another long drink from his wine bottle and replied, “Ah, ah… Call me Zhe Yan and I’m not a drunk. I’m a connoisseur and I’m not a man.” The fortune teller named Zhe Yan’s shifty eyes glanced left and then to the right before cupping his mouth with both hands so only Qing Yuan, Meihua, and Jinghua could see and hear him when he whispered, He said. “One must be careful.” His gaze shifted heavenward, and he said, “You never know who’s watching, but I’m a great phoenix.” Jinghua wanted to slap Qing Yuan for being so gullable. Qing Yuan’s eyes grew round as he mumbled, “I’ve never seen a phoenix before, but I thought phoenixes were females but it’s nice to meet you, Zhe Yan?” then Jinghua said, “So Zhe Yan, if you’re a phoenix, why don’t you fly away?”

“I cannot… I must not use magic in the mortal world. The karmic consequences are dangerous, even for an old god like myself,” Zhe Yan replied, redirecting his attention towards Meihua. “Here is a gift from me to you.” The fortune teller extended a fat peach toward her and said, “In your previous life, you were not just a queen, but an empress—a beauty like no other.” Qing Yuan concurred. “Meihua is the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. Isn’t that right, Jinghua?”

“Yes, she looks ok.” Jinghua grunted, shaking his head then warned, “Don’t eat that peach. You can’t trust people like him.” He grabbed Meihua’s dress sleeve, ready to leave. However, a white ball of fur flew at him and nipped at his heel, growling.

“Aya, Yingpei! I understand how you feel, but remember, you promised to behave,” scolded Zhe Yan as he grabbed what Jinghua thought was a puppy by the tuft of fur from the fluffy white ball. To his surprise, it turned out to be a cub—a white fox cub with a freckled, pointy, wet snout, piercing amber eyes, two little triangles for ears, and a fluffy white tail. “This little one is visiting down here for the first time and there’s so much for him to see. He’s just overstimulated,” Zhe Yan explained, placing the unruly cub by his side. “It’s time to send him home,” he declared, and with that, the cub disappeared before Jinghua’s eyes. However, Jinghua remained unconvinced. The disappearing act only confirmed his suspicions. “That’s just a cheap trick. I’ve seen bears vanish into thin air. You two can stay here wasting your time, but I’m going to find someone to arrest him,” Jinghua declared, noticing that Meihua was still dawdling at the stall. He grabbed her hand and swiftly dragged her away. When he glanced back moments later, the fortune teller had vanished. Just as he suspected, the crook was a professional at evading arrest. How else could he have vanished with such lightning speed?


I think I’m being cheated. I should have asked for more money to spend time with Prince Jinghua. My impression of him being unpleasant was too generous to him. Now I see he’s audacious and obnoxious. Tearing my hand away from his, glaring at him, I mouth, “One hundred pieces of silver more.” He releases my hand after dragging me away from the fortuneteller. I wanted to stay longer and hold the fluffy little cub and no one had ever spoken such kind words about me before. I know he tells every woman the same things, but for a moment, he made me feel special and important. And I would have loved to keep the peach as a memento, but of course, Jinghua had to ruin the fun.

He’s such a party-pooper, the destroyer of joy. Thankfully, he brought Qing Yuan along tonight. Qing Yuan told me he and Jinghua have been friends since they were toddlers, but I can’t help but wonder how their friendship works when they are so different. Jinghua has lingered behind us, keeping his distance as if he doesn’t want to be seen with me while Qing Yuan has been kind. He has treated me to the most delicious food I’ve ever tasted and showered me with gifts like hairpins, rings with colorful stones, jade bracelets, and various trinkets that catch his eye. He even bought me a beautiful purse to hold all my new treasures. I keep telling him I feel unworthy of his generosity, but Qing Yuan responds, “Aya, these baubles are nothing compared to my desires. If I could, I would pluck a star from the sky for you.” I have met no one like Qing Yuan, and despite my reservations, I can’t help but be infected by his excitement. He makes me smile and laugh. He’s a good person, and whoever he ends up marrying will be fortunate to have such a devoted partner, unlike Prince Killjoy over there. I have never felt more sorry for a woman than I do tonight. I pity his wife.

“Look, Meihua,” Qing Yuan exclaims, his face glowing with joy and a wide smile stretching from ear to ear. He proudly presents the delicate white paper lantern in his hands. “This was the very last one,” he continues, his voice brimming with excitement. “I had to engage in a fierce battle with a determined five-year-old just to claim it. It was touch and go for a moment, but I emerged victorious, all for you.” As he hands me the lantern along with a brush, I caress the smooth texture against my fingertips. “What is your heart’s desire?” Qing Yuan asks. “Fame, wealth, power…or perhaps a dashing husband who will adore you like a queen? Wish for something extraordinary. It’s an old wives’ tale that says you shouldn’t share your wish, so you must read it out loud for heaven to hear.”

As I hold the paper lantern, a wave of uncertainty washes over me. What is it I truly desire? The life I once knew now feels like a distant memory, and the path ahead seems hazy and unclear. “Are you okay, Meihua?” Qing Yuan’s voice interrupts my thoughts. “Yes, I’m just… I don’t know what to wish for,” I confess, feeling a hint of embarrassment. Qing Yuan’s smile softens, and he gently places a hand on my shoulder. “Then maybe you should listen to your heart. Your deepest desires will never lead you astray.” Taking his advice to heart, I close my eyes and envision endless pink clouds floating in the sky, the joyful laughter of children resonating like distant memories that don’t belong to me. But wherever this place may be, I long to visit someday and I jot down the first thing that comes to mind.


I finish writing my wish onto the lantern and utter my prayer while feeling childish, but I say, “In three lifetimes and three worlds, there will be ten miles of peach blossoms, but I only need one.” Releasing the lantern, I watch as it ascends into the sky, joining the other many white lanterns lit by candlelight floating into the azure backdrop. The sky filled luminous with a sea of glowing lights. The breathtaking sight takes my breath away. As my gaze lowers, I notice Jinghua’s intense stare fixed upon me. His eyes are filled with an ambiguity that leaves me pondering once again why he stares at me with such an unreadable expression. Is he judging me? Pitying me? Or is there something else behind those dark eyes?

There’s something unsettling about him, but my thoughts are interrupted when Qing Yuan tugs at my sleeve. “Let’s go watch the dragon dance,” he suggests. Leading us through the bustling streets, we arrive at a wide open square where a magnificent red dragon is being paraded around by a group of men holding poles to support its body. The air is filled with the resounding beat of drums and gongs as the dragon gracefully dances and twirls, imitating its movements. The crowd erupts in cheers and applause as the dragon weaves its way through them, resembling a shimmering serpent in the night. Unbeknownst to me, time has flown by and it is now midnight.

“It’s getting late, I should head back,” I mention. Jinghua replies sharply and briskly, “I’ll send your payment tomorrow and let you know the date for our next meeting.” He leaves me standing in the midst of the bustling crowd, my celebratory mood swiftly turning into uncertainty in the festive atmosphere. I couldn’t be more relieved when Qing Yuan says, “Aya! Don’t worry about Jinghua. He’s not used to proper etiquette, like escorting a woman home. I have my sedan waiting. It will take you home. Thank you for tonight. I can’t remember the last time I had such a delightful evening.”

Empress Liang-

The eunuch hurried over to the Empress, who was wearing her silk nightwear. Leaning in close, he whispered into her ear, his words audible to her alone. “A public outing. How pompous,” she murmured, a mixture of annoyance and amusement in her voice. “What does he think of me? He forgets I carried him for nine months. I understand Jinghua’s mindset.” Sipping on her fragrant nighttime tea, the sweet scent of chrysanthemum wafting through the air, the Empress chuckled at her younger son’s foolish behavior. Her laughter filled the opulent chamber, its melodious tinkle dancing around the room.

“Did you recognize the girl?” she inquired, curiosity and intrigue clear in her voice. “Which family does she belong to? How was she dressed? Surely not a courtesan?” The eunuch shook his head, his eyes searching for answers. “Empress, I have never seen her before,” he confessed, uncertainty lacing his voice. “Judging by her gown with golden threads and the teal sapphire jewelry, it appears she comes from considerable wealth. She does not seem to be a courtesan.” With a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, the Empress signaled to a servant, who dimmed most of the flickering candles, casting a faint, dim glow across the room. “Jinghua cannot keep up this charade,” she commented. “He lacks the patience and desire to truly find someone. Let him play his game, but we shall observe him and enjoy the entertainment of his antics from a distance.”

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