報復 Bàofù V: Trials of the Celestial Empress: Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms Fanfiction Chapter 16

Qian Qian Meihua- Disguised as a boy, I infiltrate the Hall Of Eternal Spring. The place of earthly pleasures and intrigue, determined to find my sister. As I step into the room, my heart pounds in my chest and my breath catches in my throat. With my head low, I focus my gaze on the […]

報復 Bàofù V: Trials of the Celestial Empress: Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms Fanfiction Chapter 15

  Si Yin Shao Qing Yuan- The siblings were so close in age that some people mistook them for twins. Prime Minister Shao’s eldest child, Shao Qing Yuan, and his younger sister, Consort Shao Wan, had a mere three-month age difference. Unfortunately, Qing Yuan’s mother, Minister Shao’s first and legitimate wife, passed away days after […]

報復 Bàofù V: Trials of the Celestial Empress: Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms Fanfiction Chapter 13

Lady Meihua Meihua- Today, I discovered one of Prince Jinghua’s unexpected skills. I can confidently state that he’s brilliantly gifted and possessing exceptional talent, as failing, to this extent, is quite challenging. It’s absolutely impressive how he always loses. What game we’ve played has been irrelevant. Regardless of whether it’s catching seven pieces or playing […]

報復 Bàofù V: Trials of the Celestial Empress: Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms Fanfiction Chapter 12

Not A Competition That Fosters A Friendly Atmosphere. Meihua-   “Meihua, please stop,” Commander Bai’s voice resonates with a deep, assertive tone, preventing me from entering the palanquin sent by Prince Jinghua. I turn to face him, the ornate silk of my lavish gown rustling softly against my skin. In this extravagant attire, I can’t […]

報復 Bàofù V: Trials of the Celestial Empress: Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms Fanfiction Chapter 11

The Lantern Festival Jinghua- “How could you be so absent-minded?” Qing Yuan exclaimed, throwing his hand in the air and huffing out his mouth. “What do you mean you didn’t send her something to wear?! This girl, your pretend lover… shouldn’t she at least look like she’s from a wealthy family? How could a house […]

報復 Bàofù V: Trials of the Celestial Empress: Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms Fanfiction Chapter 1

Chapter One The Good and Filial Daughter The Huaxia Dynasty The 26th year of Emperor Taolin’s Reign 1423 The blackened air was thick with smoke, and the heat was stifling. In the center of it all stood a massive Buddha statue, its presence a stark contrast to the destruction surrounding it. The flames licked at […]

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