報復 Bàofù V: Trials of the Celestial Empress: Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms Fanfiction Chapter 4

Chapter Four Reunion Lady Min, Prince Jinghua’s secondary wife, was practically dancing with excitement as she fluttered around the dining parlor. Her powdered face was flushed and her modestly made-up eyes sparkled, darting back and forth, focused like a bird watching its morning worm. Even though she was only acting as the temporary madam until […]

報復 Bàofù V: Trials of the Celestial Empress: Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms Fanfiction Chapter 2

Chapter Two Secrets Meihua wasn’t a naïve, senseless child anymore. She knew logically running away with Ming was an idea that seemed wild, unlikely, and indeed irresponsible, but Meihua couldn’t help but consider his proposal more than once. As she ambled, slowing strolling through the creaky wooden gate that hung sideways into the small dusty […]

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